Visit the apiary often. Only do one thing on each visit, and have
a work plan that is relevant to the time of year. These are
examples of work plans:
1. Clean around the hives and check that they are colonised and
2. Inspect inside the hives to see if:
The bees are building combs correctly (one comb on one top
The queen is doing her work correctly;
There are any leakages of water;
There are intruders like ants, beetles or spiders;
There are diseases harming the bees.
3. Harvest honey:
Harvest only ripe honey;
Do not harvest brood;
Do not kill the bees;
Leave some honey in the hive as food for the bees.
4. After harvesting:
Take out old, empty combs;
Rearrange the remaining combs so there are no gaps
between combs;
Leave some honey for the bees;
Feed the bees if possible or necessary.
5. If bees have absconded:
Harvest all the combs to reclaim the wax;
Clean dirt and debris out of the hives;
Carefully sterilise inside the hives to kill any pests and
diseases by using fire;
Rewax the top bars and replace them inside the clean hive.
Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Manage the Bees (© Author Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to
beekeepers in developing countries)